Monday 13 November 2017

Day 14 - My Daughter's Visit

This morning I had a follow up appointment at the Stem Cell Unit to have my blood tested and make the levels are where they are supposed to be. All the levels were normal and I didn't need any kind of blood transfusion. However, my potassium levels were low and I had to have potassium put into me via IV. I was also scheduled to have a litre of saline solution put into me by IV at home using the CBI Health nurse. The Stem Cell Unit nurse combined my potassium and 1 litre saline solution together so that I could cancel the home visit this afternoon.

The nurse practitioner in the Stem Cell Unit decided that we should try hydrating me using IV every other day to see if I can get myself hydrated by drinking liquid on the off days. I believe we are trying to wean me off of the IV which I would be happy with.

After my 2 hour IV hydration this morning, I went to the Volunteer Services office at the hospital to deliver a medium size pair of socks for the upcoming Hospital Auxiliary Bazaar. I enjoyed a visit with the staff in the office and then made my way to my former manager's office to say a brief hello to her and my former co-worker. It was great to see them. As I walked the long hallway towards the front of the hospital to meet my Hubby for lunch, I kept running into people I knew. One of these was a buyer for the Gift Shop and I really enjoyed our brief visit in the hallway. Not only did I enjoy her company, but I was needing the short break to catch my breath from the long walk.

I met Hubby and my daughter at the front and off we went to have lunch together at our favourite Vietnamese restaurant. I totally enjoyed our meal and spending time with my daughter and hubby. Our daughter had decided that she will make supper for us tonight.

So late in the afternoon, Hubby and my daughter left to go to a chiropractor appointment together and then off to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for supper. As I waited at home, I was eagerly looking forward to the salmon dinner that was going to be prepared by our daughter. While they were away, I drank lots of tea in an effort to get in the habit of hydrating myself.

Finally Hubby and my daughter arrived home. She was very efficient in the kitchen and before we knew it, dinner was served. What an incredible gift this was that she gave us. The salmon was perfectly done and very tasty. It had garlic butter and rosemary on the top which was crusted to create a tender inside of the salmon filet. She served it with steamed broccoli which was again perfectly done and a Caesar salad.  She served it all with an Inniskillin Late Autumn Riesling white wine.

I'm so proud that both my children can cook fantastic meals. My daughter's gift of this meal totally impressed me. I'm so happy that I'm around to see my children continue to grow into fantastic adults. My visit with my daughter is coming to an end much too soon as she will return home tomorrow. I'm so grateful for my day today. It was a great day!


  1. Sounds like such a lovely time with your family. These are the best times of all!

  2. I'm glad that you got to spend time with your daughter. I don't blame you for wanting you wean off the IV. I'm hoping that drinking lots of liquids will taste better now. Keep us updated on how you are doing.
