Sunday 18 March 2012

Day 4 - 4th Chemo Cycle

This has been the worst day so far in the whole ordeal since November 2011.  However, I can still find some good things in my day.  I'll start with the negative and end with the positive as that will help me look forward to tomorrow.

I woke up as usual and had a toasted bagel to go with my cholestrol medication, my prednisone, my thrush medication and my stool softeners.  I was full after half the bagel was eaten, but I continued to eat the rest.  As soon as everything was eaten, it came right back up.  Then the diahrrea started in.  This all left me very weak and pale.  As I laid in bed with all the blankets around me to keep warm, I said to Scott "I had hoped to get through the St. Patrick's Day weekend without turning green".  He was glad to see my sense of humour was still working.

So it's been a day of resting, laying in bed and running to the washroom.  I did manage to finish my anti-nausea medication and have used the supplemental medication as well.  It has to be taken with food, so I've managed to keep 2 bananas down today.  I've been trying to drink water so I'm not dehydrated.  The thought of drinking tea or anything but water currently makes my stomach gurgle and that's not in a good way.

In the midst of feeling absolutely miserable, all I could do was look at my grandmother's crucifix and ask God to hold me and keep me safe.  Then a very good friend dropped by and gave my son a card for me.  This was perfect timing and another Godcidence.

I started to feel a little better about mid-afternoon.  My husband helped me get to the patio where I managed to sit for about an hour while watching and listening to the birds.  What a sight I must have looked!!!  In my nightgown, housecoat, track pants, socks, slippers, hat and a thick afghan wrapped around my legs and covering my body.  Despite how I looked, it was nice to sit outside for a little bit.

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