Tuesday 15 August 2017

Day 2 First Chemo Cycle - Gemcitabine, Dexamethasone, Cisplatin

I didn't sleep well last night. I'm still experiencing the abdominal pain that has plagued me since April although it is getting worse. I arrived at the Cancer Centre at 9 a.m. and was immediately showed to my "chair". As always, they started off with a saline solution to clear my vein and intravenous site. The nurse also gave me the "little yellow football pill" which is Ondansetron to help combat nausea and vomiting. Then, the nurse hydrated me in preparation for the Gemcitabine, Dexamethasone and the Cisplatin. I felt really good during the process today. I was able to joke with the nurses and various employees walking by who recognized me from my job in the Tuck Shop. Some were shocked to see me and spent some time visiting. They had not realized that this was a relapsed lymphoma for me.

I was in the Cancer Clinic from 9 a.m. through to 2:30 p.m. What a compliment it was to have my nurse celebrating that she had me for a patient today. After talking to some of the other nurses in the chemo lab, she realized that she recognized me from the Tuck Shop. The other nurses were envious that she was assigned to be my nurse today. My nurse from yesterday stopped by numerous times to check on me. Two of my nurses from 5 years ago recognized me and stopped by to visit and check on me. It was a day of warm support and caring. I was very impressed and it made my day go well.

When I left at 2:30, I was feeling so good that I was considering going for a walk with my hubby tonight. While I awaited for my hubby to come by the main doors to the Cancer Centre with the car, one of the volunteers working the information desk came over and gave me a big hug. She has worked with me in the Tuck Shop since June. She was so happy to see me and indicated she had been given the address for this blog. I encouraged her to follow along.

After I got home, I rested and read for a little bit. Around 4:30-5:30, my stomach started to ache and I was starting to burp frequently. It was too early to take my next dose of Ondansetron so I took my supplemental nausea medication called Prochlorperazine. This should help calm the stomach until about 8:30-9:30 when I can take the Ondansetron dose.

Needless to say I did not want to eat very much supper. I had one small barbecued chicken thigh and 2 small pieces of roasted potato. As I was finishing my supper, my hubby made the comment that I was looking very tired. I was feeling cold and I continue to feel like my body is sliding downhill. I did take my temperature as I have to be very aware of fevers which can occur within hours or up to days after the injection of any one of the "medications" Gemcitabine, Cisplatin or Dexamethasone. My temperature was normal. So I just added a sweater and put on some long pants even though the heat outdoors is quite warm.

Now I intend to watch some television and do some knitting. I'm working on an afghan and it is long enough now to help cover my legs. I'll stay up long enough to get the Ondansetron into me and then I'll head to bed and rest.  I do not need to go back to the Cancer Centre until Monday when I will have a shorter day there while Gemcitabine is put into me.

Overall, today has been a good day with lots of laughter and friendship. Certainly, I was feeling blessed because I did see people who are further along in their cancer treatment journeys and not doing so well. Here's hoping and praying that I will keep my blood counts up and not need transfusions or delays to my treatments. But today was a good day.


  1. Was thinking of you all day today...I pray and send positive thoughts on a daily basis during the day. I am in awe of you Cathy...such a strong courageous woman! Glad to hear you had support and smiling faces today! 😊

  2. I read your comment, Vania, and all I could think was "SHE thinks she's in awe of me?!" You have no idea that I have always thought that way about you. Seeing you battle back from the hand you were dealt. Seeing you make such a tremendous success of your gardening, beekeeping, cooking?!! I'm in awe of you, dear friend. You are the strong and courageous woman. I'm just going one step at a time trying to muddle my way through this without too much whining (not very successfully, I must say). Thank you for your continued daily positive thoughts! xo
