Thursday, 23 February 2012

Day 1 - Third Chemo Cycle "Half way mark"

I had my third chemo treatment today.  Again everyone I met said how well I'm looking.  I felt really well physically today going into the treatment.  I was a little anxious and afraid of the side effects.  My treatment started at 9:45 a.m. and I was finished by 2 p.m.

While I was there, I ran into a friend whose mother was also having a chemo treatment.  I helped pass the time with a visit.  I was ordered to go for a walk in order to raise my heart rate which is always on the low side so I walked over to my friend with my intravenous pole and stood and visited for a little bit.  When I got back to my chair, my rate had raised about 5 beats per minute so my nurse felt better again.  My nurse and her replacement (during the lunch break) commented about how I'm so positive.  To be honest, the nurses at the chemo centre are easy to be positive around.  They are so friendly, happy and upbeat.  It really takes a special kind of person to work in the cancer clinic and I'm so glad that they make it much easier for us to be our happy selves.

I've been back home for a few hours and I feel tired.  I'm going to eat some turkey soup for supper and then lay down for the evening.  So I'm not too afraid (I'm such a wimp) of the next week, I'm going to keep reminding myself that I'm half way through the whole chemo process.  Just 3 more to go.  HALFWAY!!!!  I'm praying that ALL the side effects will be controlled better throughout this cycle. 

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kathy, I'm so proud of you my friend! You are in the 'home' stretch! Take good care and God bless! You are in my thoughts and prayers every single day!

