Friday 20 July 2018

Celebrating and Living Life Fully!

I haven't posted in a couple of weeks because I've been enjoying life to the fullest. Summer is always a good time to feel healthy. The weather is warm. The vegetable gardens are providing fresh food. People want to be outdoors. I have always enjoyed many simple pleasures in life. One of my favourite simple, mundane activities is hanging my laundry on the clothes line outside. I love the smell of my clean clothes when they come in off the line. This fresh smell can not be manufactured by dryer sheets. I love the motion of hanging the laundry first thing in the morning and watching the clothes flutter in the breeze. In the last couple of weeks, it has been so dry and warm that my clothes dry within an hour of hanging them out. As I hang the clothes, I listen to the robins sing their happy songs. I listen to the leaves flutter way in the breeze. I enjoy the warmth of my sun soaked patio as I hang the clothes. This is a simple pleasure that costs me nothing but makes me feel so healthy and good.

I've been spending time with friends in the last couple of weeks as well. I visit them at the local farmers' markets. I visit with them in their homes. I visit with them on my patio. It is just good times spent talking, laughing and fully enjoying their friendship. Of course, as we visit, we enjoy our pets, the sounds of nature and the bountiful harvest of the area gardens.

We've had a very dry spell and this morning, I noticed the local conservation authority stated that this area is at a Level 1 drought. My rain barrel has been dry for about 2 weeks now. There are large cracks in the earth of my vegetable garden. The rabbits ate all my beans off but I have a successful crop of beets and cucumbers. My tomatoes are showing signs of being successful too. I do water my vegetables but not the flowers. We desperately need some rain. There are now daily vegetation fires in the area which the authorities are saying are caused by discarded lit cigarette butts. This bothers me that people are so careless to toss their lit butts out their car windows or on the sidewalks as they walk. Everything is tinder dry right now.

A couple of weeks ago, Hubby and I went for a ride north of the city into Central Frontenac County. It was a beautiful ride. The scenery was fantastic. The lakes and rivers looked so invitingly warm. We stopped at a resort for a break and some lunch. It was about 3 days later, this area had a forest fire caused by a lit cigarette butt. The forest fire took 3 days to battle and put out. A large area was damaged due to the carelessness of one person. I don't believe any homes or cottages were burned out but when a forest fire occurs, it burns out the homes of all the forest animals and birds.

Last weekend, Hubby and I took the train to Toronto to see the Eagles. I have always loved this band. Most people refer to "Bucket Lists". I refuse to call it that so mine is called a "Living List". To see the Eagles was part of my Living List. When Glenn Frey passed away, I was deeply saddened. I believed it was the end of the band. I believed that I would never see the Eagles. I even scratched it off my Living List. When the tour date was announced in December, Hubby bought tickets and this past weekend was my Christmas present from 2017. We took the train to Toronto. We stayed in a hotel beside the Scotiabank Arena (formerly Air Canada Centre). We had dinner at Aria Ristorante in Maple Leaf Square. Then we went to the concert. I had a blast!!!! I couldn't stop smiling. I enjoyed every moment. I sang with some of the songs. The Eagles came on and played for 2 1/2 hours non-stop. I didn't leave my seat once. I didn't want to miss one moment. I fully enjoyed the whole experience. Hubby and I returned to our hotel after the concert and had a couple of night caps in the hotel's lounge. Then it was back on the train the next day to return home. That was Monday.

On Tuesday, I took advantage of my daughter having a day off and drove up to Ottawa to see her and spend the day with her. I had lunch with her and her boyfriend. We laughed and reminisced. We abandoned him (I mean dropped him off at home) and then continued our day doing girl stuff. We went shopping. We had to stop and rest our legs which meant, of course, enjoying a Timmies Ice Cap. We continued shopping and then went to my daughter's apartment to rest. After seeing her 4 pet rats, visiting and laughing some more, we went for dinner at a local pub. It was a fantastic day. I stayed a little longer than I intended. I really didn't mind though, as I helped her pick up a used air conditioning unit to help cool down her apartment. It was a late night return home but I certainly slept well that night. Living fully and enjoying every moment of a healthy time in lift can be very tiring.

Wednesday, I had another one of my vaccinations (post stem cell requirement). I walked to and from the doctor's office from my Hubby's work. I also took my daughter's bicycle (which I brought back from her apartment because she has no need for it anymore) in to be repaired. I am considering trying to learn to ride it. I have not really ridden a bicycle on a regular basis in over 30 years. I rested in the afternoon with a short nap although I did pick up some new potatoes, green beans and lamb chops from the local farmers' market. That was our dinner.

Yesterday, I made music with a good friend and enjoyed some laughs. Then I spoke at a fundraising golf tournament for the Canadian Cancer Society. My speech was well received. I was very flattered and honoured when the participants stood and gave me a standing ovation. I've participated in fundraising golf tournaments before and by the time speeches occur, most of the time people politely clap and are more interested in leaving. Again, I was very honoured that they responded with a standing ovation.

I'm tired this morning. I've done 2 loads of laundry and they are hanging on the line. The day is going to be a hot one with lots of humidity. I will be closing up the house and putting the air conditioner on. I am going to visit a friend this morning. We always laugh when we get together. I will pick up my "new" bicycle later in the afternoon when I pick Hubby up from work.

Tomorrow, Hubby and I will visit with another couple that we like to hang out with. They have a beautiful oasis in their backyard that includes a pool. We will be spending time swimming and cooling off as the hot, humid weather stays around for the weekend.

I truly believe life is meant to be experienced fully no matter what the weather or other trials and tribulations may bring. When health is good, I want to seize life with both hands and wring all the joy out of it. So my summer is zipping by quickly as I am fully enjoying it. It is tiring and I do take time to rest and read on my patio too. is great!!!!!

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