Wednesday 5 September 2018

Catching Up

So it's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. I'm still feeling well and my health seems to be good. When I left to go on our 3 week holiday on The Goldwing, my vegetable garden was limping along due to lack of rain. I kept watering it with the rainwater from our rain barrel, but the barrel had also dried up. I even kept the gardens alive and getting ready to produce by watering with our municipal water. I prefer the rainwater that I collect because it doesn't have any chlorine in it.

When I arrived home a couple of weeks ago, my garden had exploded with growth and produce in that 3 week period. My son, who was home during our holidays, indicated that we had lots of rain. My 2 little cucumber plants had thrived and were full of cucumbers. My little tomato plants that I thought were going to die, had thrived exceptionally well. The one plant has grown out of the garden and onto my patio and up through my patio table. It is full of blossoms. I have been picking tomatoes every 2 days for the last 2 weeks. My freezer is full of cherry tomatoes. I have been snacking on tomatoes right from the vine while I work outside. I need to be out again today to pick them. It is extremely hot today and so I will wait and pick them this evening when it is slightly cooler. My beets also thrived while I was away. I have frozen beets in my freezer now ready for me to eat them during the winter. I still have more beets that I'm waiting to finish growing before I pull them from the garden. I have harvested my garlic bulbs. Some I will use a seeds and replant this Fall yet.

So the last 2 weeks have been spent harvesting and weeding my gardens and keeping up with the laundry. My son moved away for good to start his own career and life. It was a sad day this past weekend when I saw him driving away. I know he will come back to visit but it will be just that....a visit. So I happily did loads of laundry as my last effort to "mother" him before he moved away this past Saturday. Saturday night, Hubby and I were distracted from missing our son as we went to our friends' place for a campfire and visit. Hubby also surprised me with an overnight trip to Syracuse (not on The Goldwing this time) to see the Buffalo Bisons (Toronto Blue Jays affiliate) play against the Syracuse Chiefs (Washington Nationals affiliate) on Sunday and Monday.

I was really pleased to see Vladimir Guerrero Jr, Dwight Smith Jr., and Richard Urena play for the Bisons. These were names that I recognized and had seen play on television while up with the Blue Jays at various times. Guerrero Jr. hasn't played with the Toronto Blue Jays since the exhibition game in Montreal in the Spring. But he definitely is creating lots of buzz and excitement and it was good to see him play. I also recognized the Bisons' first base coach. He used to play for the Blue Jays out in centre field. It was Devon White. Unfortunately, the Bisons lost both games and ended their season. The Chiefs also were finished for the season as they didn't make the playoffs either. The Syracuse Chiefs have been bought by the New York Mets and so the season ticket holders were sad to be leaving this season. Next season may bring a new name to the club.

After our 24+ hours away, yesterday was spent doing more laundry. You see, at the game on Monday, I had signed up to be part of a Diamond Giveaway which took place at the end of the game. 100 women ran onto the field each wielding a small wooden spoon and we had to dig in the dirt between the first, second and third base bags. There were three poker chips buried 1/2 inch to 1 inch below the surface and each corresponded with a prize. One chip was for a diamond pendant necklace. A second chip was for a pair of diamond stud earrings. The third chip was for a prize pack of Syracuse Chiefs swag. During the game, I had deduced that the chips would not be along the baselines because the runners' cleats would dig the chips out. I also didn't believe the chips would be where the basemen stand because, again, their cleats would dig up the chips. The rules of this contest also stated that the chips would not be within 2 feet of the grass infield or the grass outfield. During the game, I figured that most of the women would run to the dirt between first and second because it was closest to where we all started out from. Not me! I decided to run to a spot between where the third baseman and shortstop would place themselves. I merrily dug away at the hardened dirt with my little wooden spoon. I wore it down to nothing and then I saw security and Chiefs staff with piles of wooden spoons. I called out for another spoon and kept digging. I had a lot of fun digging in the dirt. It reminded me of when I was a child and a bit of a tomboy. I used to love playing in the mud and dirt. So I played in the red dirt and dust of the ball field. I didn't win anything but I certainly had fun. Yesterday, I was feeling some aches and pains.

It was a good thing that last night we were having Hubby's cousin and his aunt over for a visit over tea and dessert. I was forced to keep moving and keep the achy muscles limbered up while I finally tackled cleaning the house after having been away on our holidays. In addition to madly cleaning the house (it really needed it), I did the laundry from our trip away and I made a zucchini loaf and a zucchini cake for our dessert last night. Today, I am tired. The heat has gotten to me. The temperature with the humidity is pushing 40 degrees celsius today. So I'm catching up on some paperwork and the blog.

I will probably spend this afternoon trying to figure out the answers to some puzzle caches for my geocaching hobby. I'm not very good at these puzzle caches but I've been told that you just have to work at it and gain the experience. This will be a good task on this hot afternoon. I will also take some breaks and play the piano for my own enjoyment. I am finding the house quiet after having my son home for the summer. It's been a great summer for me and I continue to enjoy my time off work and my break from doctors' appointments.

The only appointments I have had in July and August has been to see my family doctor and continue to get my vaccinations like a young child. Due to my stem cell transplant, I am required to get Hepatitis B shots. These are not optional. There is a shortage of the vaccine in my town. I have managed to find enough for my 2 shots so far. My next Hep B shot isn't until January. I'm hoping that there will be more vaccine available for me by then. Thank goodness for Hubby's health plan because they help cover the cost. Our medicare doesn't cover these shots and they cost $200 per shot. I can't imagine the financial strain on cancer patients' families who don't have insurance benefits and coverage. Hubby's has been a godsend throughout my process and treatments. I have lots and lots of blessings to be thankful for.

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