Friday 12 April 2019

Fundraising and "I Don't Look Sick"

In the last month, I've been feeling well. So I'm tackling various projects around the house to help fill my days and keep me active. I've learned to mud and sand holes and indentations in the drywall. Of course, I've been using a mask and safety glasses. I've never done these kinds of jobs before and so it was good to use my brain and learn a new skill. I have never considered myself as good at interior decorating. My home just "happens". But now as I am reclaiming my adult kids' bedrooms, I'm planning on paint colours, flooring to match and fixing imperfections in the walls. Hubby painted my bathroom last weekend and I absolutely love the colour I picked for the walls. Once the new tile flooring will be installed, the bathroom will remind me of the beach.....sand and water. This weekend, the Son's bedroom will be painted. I finished priming it last night.

So this morning, I turned my attention to the yard and started cleaning up the mulched leaves in the flowerbeds before the forecasted rain begins. I even delivered the 3 bags of debris to our municipal composting place. As I was driving home, I reflected on fundraising.

It is the time of year for the Canadian Cancer Society Daffodil fundraiser. And then in June is the Relay for Life event which raises funds for research, support programs and keeping the local Cancer Society office open. This past week, I signed up to participate and fund raise for the Relay for Life on June 21. This morning my thoughts took me to the fact that there are many of us who "don't look sick" in society. Whether it is mental illness, cancer, multiple sclerosis, etc., those of us who are afflicted carry on our daily lives without anyone being aware that we have a serious illness. For myself, I'm looking well and I'm currently feeling well. But I know that my follicular lymphoma (cancer) will return. It will require more treatment. It will kill me. We just don't know when.

So while I feel good, I'm out and about living life and being fully in the moment all the time. I still tire easily but I live fully. Last weekend, I went out with Hubby and we celebrated a friend's birthday with him at a local pub. I loved it! It was great to be out and enjoy a couple of beers. After working for a couple of weeks mudding and sanding, I treated myself that evening to my favourite appetizer of escargots. I had a creme brulee which was really good. I enjoyed visiting with the various friends and acquaintances that were also there. I lived life fully for the evening even though I was tired. Strangers would look at me and not even know that I have cancer.

I have digressed a bit though. My point is that I fund raise so that hopefully a cure can be found before this disease kills me. The treatments that I have had to prolong my life so far have all been discovered with the last 15 to 20 years. Research is currently taking place for various cancers with the hope for a cure. Researchers for some of the cancers are really close to finding that cure. Money for research is paramount to the success of the research. I also fund raise for the Relay for Life as the money helps fund support programs like the Peer Support Program. I currently have a friend who wants to use the program as she  starts a serious treatment that in itself can cause some serious side effects. She wants to talk to someone who has gone through this process. The Wheels of Hope program is partially funded by the Relay for Life. This program helps patients get to doctors' appointments and treatment locations. All the money raised at Relay for Life stay in the community of that particular Relay for Life. I will participate in my community and the money I raise stays in this community. It goes to local research as I'm fortunate enough to live in a community with a top notch cancer research facility.

Do I like fund raising? Not particularly. Do I like approaching people and asking for money? No because I feel like I'm begging. But.....I do the "begging" so that maybe I can be cured. It would be really nice to have a day, a week, a month, even a moment when I wouldn't have to worry about the lymphoma returning. It's very tiring to have that constant worry in the back of your mind. It never leaves. It's always there. You try not to think about it but it's always there.

So....please consider supporting me in the Relay for Life this year. You can donate online using the following link:

On behalf of myself and those of us who are struggling with treatment and fighting for our lives, I thank you so very much!

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