Thursday 12 October 2017

Day 14 Third Chemo Round - Friendly visit and Low Grade Fever

At my urging, my hubby left this morning to join his friend and the two of them ride their motorcycles to Port Dover for tomorrow's Friday The 13th Celebration. Shortly after he left, I went and had my picc line cleaned and also to get my Neupogen injections.

Over the lunch hour, I knitted some more on the socks I'm currently working on for the homeless. I'll drop them off at Kingston Street Mission when I have a few to give them. I was looking forward to seeing a good friend who had offered to help me get my gardens in a small semblance of order. They are over run with weeds. My friend arrived just after lunch. She immediately tackled my vegetable garden which I have left unplanted this year. As she worked in the veggie garden, I started to cut back some of the old grape vines that continue to grow wild in my flowerbed. I also dug out some nasty thistles that were growing in my herb garden. Then I had to sit down for most of the rest of the afternoon. I visited with my friend while she continued to dig out the weeds and turn the soil in my garden by hand with a shovel.

My neighbour behind me called me over to the fence and asked if I would like to borrow his rotortiller. Hubby and I have used it before so I said yes instantly. My friend had a great time using it and was impressed with it. She was also impressed with how good my soil was looking. It has helped that we had a good soaking of rain last weekend and then again yesterday. Once the veggie garden was done, my friend took a well-deserved break with some iced tea in a glass with lots of ice. After a bit, she got up and started on my flowerbed that surrounds my patio. She got all the weeds pulled and the soil smoothed nicely with her hands. I love the smell of dirt and her work brought that smell to the fore.

We both worked together to tidy up the mess of weeds. I had a box that we filled and an extral large industrial sized garbage bag that we also filled. I will get my hubby to deliver it to our municipal composting site. I felt good that I was able to move the bag and the box into the garage. The Neupogen seems to make my heart race and I get out of breath very quickly. I'll be mentioning that to my nurse practitioner when I see her again.

It was late afternoon and close to dinner time when my friend left. What a wonderful afternoon we had together! I wish I was healthier that I could have done more but I really enjoyed her company and was glad I could do some physical work.

Tonight, I decided to just relax and take it easy. I hadn't taken my temperature since lunch time, so I took my temperature. It was 100.1. I've been monitoring it all evening and it has gone from 99.7 to 100.1 This is a low grade fever. If it goes over 11.4 for over an hour, then I have to go visit the Emergency Department of our local hospital. There is a whole protocol that the staff in Emergency have to follow for me because I'm on high dose Neupogen. I have a "Fever Card" and a stack of papers that I have to take with me if I go to Emergency. So far the temperature hasn't gone up high enough. I am tired. I have noticed that my heart wants to pound and race. I am getting breathless very easily this afternoon and tonight. I have to go to the Health Clinic tomorrow to have my next Neupogen injections. If this fever is still there in the morning, I'll mention it to the nurse and have her take my temperature. I'm off to bed early tonight. Let's pray that the temperature will go down.

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