Friday 24 May 2019

Fantastic Update!!!!

On Monday, May 20, Hubby and I took a short ride, due to the cold and windy conditions, on the Big Wing. We went east to Rockport and enjoyed some time looking out over the St. Lawrence River, listening to birds and enjoying the sunshine. It was very windy and you could see white caps out on the river. The water level is high and the Rockport Boat Lines had skids holding up a wooden walkway so customers could make it onto the tour boat without getting their feet wet. The river was up over the permanent dock. We saw swans, warblers, and ducks. The swans and ducks were sheltering near the shoreline due to the rough water.

My birthday was on May 21. It was a cool but sunny day and I enjoyed playing in the garden which translates to continuing the job of digging and pulling the roots of an aggressive plant that is the bane of my garden. I did that until I disturbed some bumble bees. So I left and moved to another part of the yard. I also bought myself some sun protective shirts and pants as I am not supposed to get any sun exposure anymore. Due to the chemo over the years, I am at a high risk of a secondary cancer which is often skin cancer. Being fair, I was already at a high risk. I've been working in the yard with long sleeves and pants. My current gardening clothes kept me safe but they were heavy weight and caused me to overheat. The new sun protective clothing is more light weight and will be better. Hubby took me out for dinner again on my birthday to my favourite Indian restaurant, Darbar. This was to celebrate my birthday but also like a "last supper" as I went for my 6th Rituxan maintenance treatment on Thursday.

So as per usual, on Wednesday, May 22, I saw my oncologist for my check up before having the treatment on Thursday. The last time I was at the cancer clinic was in March when I was given the results from a full CT scan from my throat to my pelvis. It was a resident doctor (student) that gave me the results and she didn't let me ask questions. She just said that there was a new spot on my lung and so they would do another chest CT scan in 3 months. So I saw my regular oncologist on Wednesday and I asked him if there was any difference in my abdominal tumours from last June. His report was that all the abdominal tumours had shrunk to normal size lymph nodes!!!! I was so ecstatic, I started clapping and shrieking Woo Hoo!!! My doctor smiled and said that I still need to have the chest CT scan done in June but things are looking positive. We're cautiously optimistic that I'm in partial remission if not full remission! I'm going with the assumption that the spot on my left lung was from my cold/infection I had at the time of the CT scan in March. That scan took place on March 7 and I didn't start any antibiotics until March 14. So I have a chest CT scan on June 10. I only have 2 more Rituxan maintenance treatments left to go.

Yesterday, I had my 6th Rituxan maintenance treatment. They always give me benadryl to counteract any allergic reactions I may have. It knocks me out. So yesterday was spent sleeping and resting. That also meant that I didn't sleep very well last night because I was "rested out". Oh well. This morning the side effects of the Rituxan treatment are kicking in. These include tiredness and loose bowels. Hubby and I are going to our friends' place for dinner tonight. I am very comfortable with them and they understand the process I go through. I'm hoping that if I keep rested and quiet today, my body will settle down.

With all the good news from my check up this week, it makes all the rest of this treatment and side effects worth it. The Rituxan maintenance treatment is what has continued to shrink my tumours in my abdomen. I am so very thankful for all the research that continues to be made in treating lymphoma. I'm so very blessed to be surrounded by family and friends who pray on a regular basis for me. I love my God who has provided the inspired scientists with their knowledge and quest for new treatments. Life is grand. It is a roller coaster. I'm currently near the top of a hill on the ride of life. I'm going to enjoy as I do every day.

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