I woke up this morning after a glorious night of uninterrupted sleep! I felt so fresh and full of energy. It definitely felt like Spring. I went to the chiropractor this morning for an adjustment as I've been constipated for the last 4 days. What a shock I got when I stepped from the van to walk to the office. It was so bright and sunny that I thought it was warm like yesterday. I definitely did not have a warm enough jacket on to fight the cold wind this morning.
After I got home from my appointment, I put on a thicker hoodie and started working on cleaning up our hedge that I didn't work on in the Fall. I'll just work a little bit at a time according to what my body and stamina can handle. I think I'll be taking a slow approach but at the same time taking out some of the dead spots that I normally just leave in place because I'm in a hurry. So today although I didn't get a lot of area cleaned up, I did get some done and I did remove one dead area. I got tired and I stopped. I spent the rest of the afternoon watching television and knitting.
In the late afternoon, a friend dropped by for a visit and a cup of tea. She also picked up the socks that I have knitted for the shelter. They are going to homeless shelter for families called "Lily's Place". I had a great visit with her as she showed me pictures of her recent trip. The time went by very quickly and before we knew it, she had to leave.
After dinner, another friend came over for a visit. I had asked her to bring her hair trimmer set as I've had wisps of hair that never fell out. In preparation for when my hair will start to grow back in, I want it all to start from approximately the same length. Because I had such very thick hair, not all of it fell out. I had wisps that were down to my shoulders but not enough to make a tress. I had some wisps still on the top off my head as well. So my friend came by and we had a wonderful visit full of laughs as she shaved my head. Once she was done, we enjoyed a cup of tea as we continued to visit. Again, the time went by much too quickly.
I'm now tired. I was glad that I didn't have anymore hot flashes today. Let's hope that I'm physically tired like last night and I have a full night's sleep. I'm hoping tomorrow will be another beautiful Spring-like day. If it is, I'd like to launder all the bedding and hang it out to dry. Then maybe I can work on the hedge again tomorrow. Or maybe I'll invite another friend over for a cup of tea. I'm enjoying not working and being able to spend my day in my gardens.
I have mixed emotions about my next chemotherapy treatment next week. I really detest going through the treatments now. So part of me wants to delay the next treatment. However, part of me wants to just "bring it on" and get it done. I have a T-shirt that says "Hop to it!" It also indicates how I feel because this is my last treatment coming up. Anyway, I just have to enjoy the next 7 days. Let's hope the weather cooperates and I can spend my time outdoors in my backyard with the sun warming me while I putter away in the yard and listen to the birds singing.
I hope you have another good day today. It will be wonderful to have that last treatment behind you, but try not to think about it now. Here's hoping you have some sunshine this morning!